| Abstracts Submitted: 733 | Number of Users: 2890 | View Abstracts Submitted »»

Abstracts can be submitted to Structured and Regular Sessions. The Congress Organisers reserve the right to shift accepted abstracts between sessions.

Structured Sessions are organised by scientists of acknowledged reputation who define the scope of the sessions, personally invite authors, review abstracts of contributed papers, schedule the papers, and finally chair the sessions.

List of the Regular Sessions:

T01 Acoustical and Vibration Measurement and Instrumentation

T01 RS01Acoustic imaging and acoustic detection

(Lars Håkansson, Sweden & Triantafillos Koukoulas, Canada)

T01 RS02Measurement uncertainty in acoustics

(Triantafillos Koukoulas, Canada & Timothy Hodges, Canada)

T01 RS03Instrumentation for sound and vibration measurements and analyses

(Triantafillos Koukoulas, Canada & Lars Håkansson, Sweden)

T02 Active Noise and Vibration Control

T02 RS01Active control of sound

(Marek Pawelczyk, Poland)

T02 RS02Active control of vibration

(Marek Pawelczyk, Poland)

T02 RS03Semi-active control

(Marek Pawelczyk, Poland)

T03 Aeroacoustics, Thermoacoustics, Combustion Noise, Aircraft Noise and Vibration

T03 RS01Aeroacoustics

(Ricardo Musafir, Brazil)

T03 RS02Aviation noise

(Ricardo Musafir, Brazil)

T03 RS03Aircraft cabin noise and vibration control

T03 RS04Turbomachinery noise

T04 Environmental and Community Noise, Soundscapes

T04 RS01Community and environmental noise

(Gaetano Licitra, Italy)

T04 RS02Noise impact assessment

(Graham Parry, United Kingdom)

T04 RS03Noise modelling and mapping

(Francesco Asdrubali, Italy)

T05 Physical Acoustics, Ultrasound, and Wave Propagation

T05 RS01Ultrasound and ultrasonic measurements

(Gan Woon Siong, )

T05 RS02Physical acoustics

(Gan Woon Siong, )

T06 Industrial and Occupational Noise, Vibration and Health

T06 RS01Noise source identification in the workplace

T07 Structural Dynamics and Nonlinear Vibration

T07 RS01Modal analysis

(Evangelos Sapountzakis, Greece & Konstantinos Kapasakalis, Greece)

T07 RS02Vibration and control of nonlinear mechanical systems

(Evangelos Sapountzakis, Greece & Konstantinos Kapasakalis, Greece)

T07 RS03Structural acoustics and vibration

(Evangelos Sapountzakis, Greece & Konstantinos Kapasakalis, Greece)

T07 RS04Rotor dynamics

(Evangelos Sapountzakis, Greece & Konstantinos Kapasakalis, Greece)

T07 RS05Fatigue, fracture and joint interfaces

(Konstantinos Kapasakalis, Greece & Evangelos Sapountzakis, Greece)

T07 RS06Optimal design and uncertainty quantification

(Konstantinos Kapasakalis, Greece & Evangelos Sapountzakis, Greece)

T09 Psychological, Physiological, Biological and Musical Acoustics

T09 RS01Psychological acoustics

(Lai Joseph C S, Australia)

T09 RS02Physiological acoustics

(Lai Joseph C S, Australia)

T09 RS03Bioacoustics

(Sebastian Oberst, Australia & Lai Joseph C S, Australia)

T09 RS04Musical and virtual acoustics

(Wang Bor-Tsuen, Taiwan)

T10 Signal Processing and Nonlinear Methods

T10 RS01Signal processing techniques for acoustic array systems and inverse problems

(Wan-Ho Cho, South Korea)

T10 RS02Fault diagnosis and prognosis

(Tawhidul Islam Khan, Japan & Victor Li, United States)

T10 RS03Signal processing in acoustics and vibration

(Tawhidul Islam Khan, Japan)

T11 Acoustics and Vibration of Buildings

T11 RS01Building acoustics

(Youngmin Kwon, South Korea)

T11 RS02Building vibration

(Jiho Chang, South Korea)

T12 Marine Acoustics

T12 RS01Underwater sound – measurement and modelling

(Adrian Brown, United Kingdom)

T13 Vehicle, Road and Railway Noise and Vibration

T13 RS01Vehicle, road and railway noise and vibration

(Francisco D. Denia, Spain)

T14 AI Applications for Sound and Vibration and Condition Monitoring

T14 RS01AI applications for sound and vibration problems

(Tian Ran Lin, China & Seungchul Lee, South Korea & Jung-Woo Choi, South Korea & Yong-Hwa Park, South Korea)

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