Abstracts can be submitted to the Structured and Regular Sessions. The Congress Organisers reserve the right to shift accepted abstracts between sessions.

Structured Sessions are organised by scientists of acknowledged reputation who define the scope of the sessions, personally invite authors, review abstracts of contributed papers, schedule the papers, and finally chair the sessions.

List of the Structured Sessions:

T01 Acoustical and Vibration Measurement and Instrumentation

T01 SS01Sound and vibration measurements and analysis

The purpose of this structured session is to report on the latest research and development works carried out in the field of sound and vibration measurements, and analysis. Papers presented in this session can focus on experiments carried out in research laboratories or in practical installations in vehicles or in industrial applications, etc. The papers can, for example, treat sensor technology, transducers that consists of a combination of sensor/sensors and signal processing for sound and vibration measurements, measurement and analysis of sound and vibration in new applications areas or in challenging applications. Papers may also concern new norms on sound and vibration quantities and their purpose, and new or useful information and/or quantities extracted from sound and vibration signals.

Lars Håkansson
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T01 SS02Measurement techniques and sensors

This session covers all aspects related to the measurement techniques and sensors for sound and vibration. Reflecting the current state of the art, the session includes applications of traditional measurement techniques and sensors for performing practical measurements in acoustics and vibration, concepts and proposals of new measurement techniques and sensors with associated hardware and software, and the development of new measurement systems with the incorporation of standards for sound and vibration.

Marijn Sanders
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T01 SS03Detection and tracking of moving objects

The purpose of this session is to provide a forum for those studying acoustic detection and tracking of moving objects. One specific example is the unmanned airborne vehicle (drone) which emits distinctive sound that can be monitored passively and potentially covertly. Another example is distributed road vehicle monitoring. Some specific scientific issues are the reliability and resolution of tracking, coordination of information between sensors and the exploitation of machine learning in this domain.

Adrian Brown
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T02 Active Noise and Vibration Control

T02 SS01Actuators and sensors for active control

Actuators and sensors often constitute key components of an active noise and vibration control system that will determine the overall performance of the active system. Aspects such as actuator and sensor placement, sensitivity, authority, linearity, robustness, and cost are of importance in an active control system. This structured session will address recent research on traditional or new transduction technologies in active control.

Marek Pawelczyk
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T02 SS02Algorithms for active control

This structured session continues the series of sessions on this topic at previous ICSV conferences. The purpose of this session is to report recent research on algorithms, signal processing and hardware implementation for active noise and vibration control. The latest advancements addressing linear and nonlinear control, algorithmic and signal processing optimization for efficient and robust real-time implementation as well as new processing platforms are welcome. Both fundamental aspects and practical issues related to algorithms for active control will be covered.

Marek Pawelczyk
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T02 SS03Electro acoustics

To be Updated

Anne de Jong
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T03 Aeroacoustics, Thermoacoustics, Combustion Noise, Aircraft Noise and Vibration

T03 SS01Acoustic simulation, test, and control in spacecraft

The spacecraft design is heading towards the direction of ultra-high speed, large scale, and multi-function with the gradual implementation of the major projects in aerospace engineering, its launching and operating environment is likely to worsen. The spacecraft needs to withstand extremely complex and harsh dynamic environment during the launch process. 
This session aims to bring together scientists with an academic and/or industrial background in this area. The suggested topics include but are not limited to the following: modelling and prediction of vibration and acoustics using numerical methods, nonlinear effects, equivalence theory between acoustic and vibration test and application, acoustic fatigue as well as a variety of acoustic and vibration control method including active and passive, boundary condition modelling and measurement, propagation mechanism of shock waves in structure, various advanced test methods, etc. All papers giving insight on vibration and acoustic simulation, test and control in spacecraft are welcome.

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T03 SS02Passive control of aeroacoustic and thermoacoustic instabilities

Passive methods, such as acoustic liners and Helmholtz resonators, are efficient to control the noise and instability. This session invites papers on passive control of aeroacoustic and thermoacoustic instability. The investigations in this structured session can cover the latest development in theoretical, numerical and experimental approaches concerning control methods for aeroacoustics, involving (but not limited to) fan noise, jet noise, aircraft noise, wind tunnel noise, vortex-sound resonance and thermoacoustic instability.

Xiaoyu Wang
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T03 SS03Combustion noise and thermoacoustics

Unsteady combustion generates sound. A particularly violent form of combustion noise tends to arise if the combustion takes place in an acoustic resonator, because then the heat release rate and the sound field can interact in such a way that they amplify one another, generating a "thermoacoustic instability". This can lead to structural damage in gas turbine combustors and some types of aircraft, so avoiding thermoacoustic instabilities is paramount. They are a complicated phenomenon, involving sound waves, combustion, aerodynamic effects, and structural waves, as well as the interaction between all these. This session aims to bring together scientists with an academic and/or industrial background in this area. With its focus on fundamental aspects of thermoacoustics, it complements the session T03 SS07 "Dynamics and acoustics in sprays, liquid fuel flames and aero engine combustors", which focuses on the engine applications, and which is organized by Jim Kok. Suggested topics of the current session include, but are not limited to the following: Modelling of the thermo-acoustic feedback with analytical and numerical methods; Nonlinear effects; Active control of combustion noise and thermo-acoustics; Modelling of the acoustic source processes with a view to application in analytical and numerical methods; Sound propagation in combustors with non-uniform properties; Boundary condition modelling and measurements; Physical processes involved in the generation of combustion noise.

Jim Kok
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T03 SS04Airfoil/high-lift device noise

Aircraft noise has received growing attention recently due to the ongoing expansion of the aviation sector and the ever-more stringent regulations on noise emissions worldwide. Airframe noise is significant during the approach in which the main noise sources include the airfoils and high-lift devices. Airfoil self-noise is also the main source of aerodynamic noise for many industrial fluid types of machinery, and the aerodynamic noise from the airfoils of wind turbines, unmanned aerial vehicles, and ventilation/cooling fans presents further challenges. The development of noise-reduction technologies requires an in-depth understanding of the noise generation mechanisms. This Structured Session calls for quality original research works and/or innovative design concepts, and aims to showcase the latest developments in theoretical, numerical, and experimental investigations of the source mechanisms and control methods for airfoil/high-lift device noise. The topics of the Structured Session cover the latest advances in all aspects of the generation and reduction of airfoil/high-lift device noise to advance knowledge in understanding the source mechanisms and developing novel control techniques of airframe noise, as well as applying these noise suppression technologies in other scenarios and industries.

Yu Liu
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T03 SS05Aircraft and gas turbine engine noise in the transition to sustainable fuels

The structured session on aircraft engine noise invites papers related to all aspects of aircraft engine noise control, such as fan noise, nacelle liner technology, nacelle morphing technology, combustor noise, mixer technology, shock cell noise or propeller noise. All papers giving insight into engine noise propagation to aircraft structure or landscape for cabin noise or community noise are also welcome.

Jim Kok
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T03 SS06Passive control of thermoacoustic instabilities

Thermoacoustic instabilities pose great threat to combustion systems as they are large amplitude pressure oscillations which can cause structural damage. Often, these instabilities are mitigated through passive acoustic dampers like acoustic liners, Helmholtz resonators or quarter- and half- wave resonators. This structured session invites papers on passive control of thermoacoustic instabilities; and is not limited to just the use of acoustic liners and resonators. It could also be designing modifications, utilization of existing phenomena like heat exchanging etc., to name a few. We invite theoretical, numerical, and experimental studies (including validation studies) that effectively dampen instabilities in combustion systems.

Aswathy Surendran
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T03 SS07Aircraft noise measurements for validation of regulatory models

The impressive growth shown by the aviation industry has given rise to important economic benefits, but this also comes at the price of, among other things, potentially high aviation-induced noise levels, resulting in annoyance and health problems. Therefore, in many countries, regulations are implemented by imposing limits on the yearly cumulative noise levels at locations around airports. These levels are determined using best-practice models (or regulatory models), such as DOC29. With such models, noise contours around airports can be calculated with low computational costs and limited model inputs. This way of noise monitoring comes with significant model approximations and hence deviations of model predictions from the actual noise levels. The limitations of this current approach have given rise to distrust in communities located close to airports. Therefore, validation of the regulatory models using real measurements is of crucial importance, i.e. by comparing the (yearly averaged) modelled Lden and Lnight values with those measured at various locations. Also, model validation at the single event level, e.g. comparing measured and modelled SEL values, is highly desirable. In addition, these validation efforts are important for testing potential noise level reductions due to the introduction of new and less noisy aircrafts and the implementation of noise abatement flight procedures.

Dick Simons
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T03 SS08Dynamic transitions and effects of noise

This session will focus on the dynamics of thermoacoustic and aeroacoustic systems during their transition from stable to unstable states as well as between periodic and aperiodic states (e.g. quasiperiodic, intermittent, and chaotic states). Special attention will be given to how such transitions could be influenced by noise and how they could be related to events such as flame flashback/blowoff in combustion chambers, stall of an airfoil, and more.

Larry Li
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T03 SS09Propeller noise

The noise and its perception of an aircraft is a crucial factor in attaining community and regulatory acceptance. Thus, in the recent development of quieter, more sustainable aerial vehicles from short-to-medium-haul jetliners to urban air mobility, understanding and accurate prediction of propeller noise, as the primary element in the propulsion configurations, has become increasingly important and an integral part of the design process. In this session, we aim to include the latest research and development work on propeller noise in its broad definitions, which include analytical, numerical, and experimental investigations of the isolated propeller/rotor noise as well as in the installed configurations; moreover, works on examining the propagation and impact of the propeller noise on the community are also highly encouraged.

Nick Zang
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Mahdi Azarpeyvand
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T03 SS10Computational aeroacoustics

This session will gather communications on the development, validation, and application of computational techniques for aero-acoustic simulations. This will cover fundamental aspects of numerical schemes as well as applications such as aircraft noise, wind turbine noise, etc. In addition to direct computational aeroacoustics modelling, contributions in the areas of physics-driven analysis of high-resolution computational datasets, as well as computational design optimisation studies, where noise reduction is one of the objectives are also welcome.

Sergey Karabasov
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T04 Environmental and Community Noise, Soundscapes

T04 SS01Urban soundscapes

This session includes basic and applied research on the topic of sound and its role in urban spaces. We invite papers on the evaluation and characterization of the public and private realms, on laboratory studies of urban sound perception, on the opportunities for soundscape planning and design in urban contexts, as well as on the mobilization of soundscape research knowledge into practice.

Jian Kang
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T04 SS02Sound perception of aerospace noise sources

This structured session is dedicated to the latest fundamental and applied research regarding psychoacoustic and perception-based assessments of aerospace noise-sources, including (but not limited to) aircraft (conventional and unconventional configurations), wind turbines, drones, and urban air mobility (UAM) vehicles. We invite papers discussing the public acceptance of these devices, their analysis from a sound perception point of view, and perception-influence design studies. Exemplary results include listening experiments, sound quality assessments, noise exposure surveys, etc.

Roberto Merino-Martinez
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T04 SS03Environmental noise and the impact on health and quality of life

Exposure to excessive noise levels can be more than just a nuisance, causing far-reaching consequences for both ecosystems and human well-being. In pursuing sustainable and lovable cities, addressing this challenge is increasingly higher on the agenda. However, noise is a unique environmental parameter, as its perception and impacts are very complex and surprisingly subjective. For this reason, more than for any other environmental issue, involving citizens in environmental noise monitoring is key. This thematical session explores the pivotal role of citizen science in understanding, monitoring, and mitigating environmental noise and how it can be used to grasp the multi-faceted dimensions of the acoustic environment, from the impact of road-, air- and rail traffic noise to the restorative role of natural sounds. Citizen science, an increasingly influential movement, empowers individuals to actively participate in data collection, analysis, and advocacy, providing researchers with valuable insights into the perceived and objective impact of environmental noise. This session aims to bring together an international set of researchers on environmental noise who use the power of citizen science to share insights, experiences, and innovative approaches. By emphasizing the power of grassroots initiatives, the democratization of environmental data collection and the importance of technological innovation, we seek to inspire collaborative efforts to address the urgent challenge of noise pollution and create healthier, quieter, and more harmonious living environments for all.

Cedric Vuye
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Jonas Lembrechts
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Ablenya Barros
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T04 SS04Auralization of environmental sounds

This session covers studies on rancesco and reproduction of various environmental sounds, including urban noise, traffic sounds, and natural soundscapes. The session also addresses research on implementing environmental sounds in virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR), applications of auralization techniques in urban planning and architectural design, and the development of auralization tools for environmental noise assessment.

Tronchin Lamberto
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T04 SS05Noise as emerging risk in workplaces

The session addresses noise as an emerging risk factor in workplaces. We invite papers on noise exposure patterns in modern work environments, noise issues arising from the adoption of new technologies, and noise concerns in remote work settings. Studies on the impact of workplace noise on worker health, productivity, and well-being, as well as innovative approaches to mitigate these effects, are also welcomed.

Jooyoung Hong
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T04 SS06Ecoacoustics and bioacoustics

This session focuses on soundscapes of natural ecosystems, animal communication, and the effects of environmental changes on acoustic behavior of organisms. The session also addresses research on acoustic monitoring for ecosystem health assessment, rancesco iz approaches to endangered species conservation, and the impact of urbanization on ecosystem sounds.

Sang Hee Park
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T04 SS07Education to sound and noise awareness

This session will feature presentations on research related to education and awareness of sound and noise. Studies on the development and evaluation of noise awareness programs in schools, communities, and workplaces will be discussed, along with research on the use of multimedia tools for acoustic education and public campaigns for noise pollution prevention.

Sergio Luzzi
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T04 SS08Acoustics and other factor of discomfort

This session provides a focused forum to explore the combined effects of various environmental factors, such as noise, vibration, temperature, lighting, and air quality, on human comfort and well-being. We also welcome research on assessment methods for multi-sensory discomfort, integrated indoor environment design approaches, and the synergistic or antagonistic interactions between acoustics and other environmental factors.

T05 Physical Acoustics, Ultrasound, and Wave Propagation

T05 SS01Wave propagation in heterogenous and architectured media

The understanding of the interaction between an acoustic wave and a complex medium is an important problem in various applications such as non-destructive testing (NDT) or biomedical ultrasound. This session will focus on experimental issues including the development of inversion procedures.

T05 SS02Nonlinear acoustics and vibrations

Nonlinear acoustics and vibration have become increasingly important during the last forty years due to the exponential increase of computation power, increasingly higher sensitivity of electronic instrumentation and suitable signal processing. It is a broad field, which encompasses large amplitude sound waves and vibration. The nonlinearity of materials results in nonlinear effects, which arise from defects in the materials present at all scales. Applications include nonlinear non-destructive testing (NDT), harmonic medical ultrasound imaging, high intensity focused ultrasound for non-invasive surgery, cavitation, and control of high intensity jet noise and development of new materials such as nanocomposite and memory-based materials. Also included are the phenomenon of chaos, which has become popular during the last twenty years with the establishment of institutes of nonlinear science and complex systems in universities and research centres. In addition, journals are now dedicated to this subject. Chaos theory is used today even in the prediction of price movement on stock markets. Also, an important topic for this session will be the application of gauge invariance approach to nonlinear acoustics and vibration which will include treatment of inverse scattering, multiple scattering problems and interactions. Structured sessions on nonlinear acoustics and vibration are present since ICSV5 in Adelaide, Australia in 1997. We have witnessed the growth in this field demonstrated by the increasing number of papers to the current number of twenty to thirty papers presented at each ICSV congress.

Gan Woon Siong
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Serge Dos Santos
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T05 SS03Sound propagation in curvilinear spacetime

Acoustic cloaking is the first application of sound propagation in curvilinear spacetime. The discovery of gravitational wave in 2014 confirmed Einstein's general theory of relativity (GR) which is described on curvilinear spacetime. The Nobel physics prize 2020 further confirmed Einstein's general theory of relativity and the concept of curvilinear spacetime. So far, applications of curvilinear spacetime have been to large objects such as in astrophysics and in plasma physics. So, it is time to extend curvilinear spacetime to small scales phenomena especially to high intensity sound propagation. Curvilinear spacetime approach is especially suitable for intense sound and nonlinear acoustics due to the curvilinear path of intense sound field. So, this is the correct treatment of nonlinear acoustics. This will be useful for the design of extremely high sensitivity and high precision instruments especially to be used in space research and in tsunami detection system. This will also bring nonlinear acoustics to the next level. Also, curvilinear spacetime will enable the covariance of all equations in physics. So, it is the correct coordinates platform to be used. This is also a revolutionisation/reformulation of nonlinear fluid mechanics and nonlinear fluid dynamics, especially for applications to study of jet noise, rocket noise and space shuttle noise. This will introduce Einstein's field equations to acoustics. The scope of this session will include: 1. Nonlinear acoustics in curvilinear spacetime; 2. Derivation of acoustic field equation in curvilinear spacetime, for applications to high intensity sound propagation in both fluids and elastic solids; 3. Nonlinear elasticity; 4. Application of gauge invariance to multiple scattering and interactions in curvilinear spacetime. Symmetry will simplify the complexity of the problem; 5. Hypersonics and astro-acoustics; 6. Sonic fusion and sonoluminescence; 7. The extension of acoustic radiation force (ARF), an intense sound to curvilinear spacetime which will bring in the gravitational field. This will include topics of acoustic levitation, cavitation, and microfluidics; 8. Acoustic blackhole.

Gan Woon Siong
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Umberto Lemma
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T05 SS04Duct acoustics

Papers on experimental or theoretical techniques for modelling sound generation, sound propagation and sound radiation in flow ducts will be presented in this session. Of special interest are experimental and theoretical techniques for: characterizing in-duct sound sources, propagation of sound in duct systems with flow and sound radiation from duct openings. Modelling of acoustic limers and mufflers as well as other noise reduction techniques for ducted systems and particularly relevant for this session.

Tracy Yat Sze Choy
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T05 SS05Acoustic emission

The purpose of this structured session is to report on the latest developments of research works in the field of acoustic emission (AE). It is a well-known and promising field of condition monitoring, testing and diagnosis as non-destructive natures in different fields of industrial and biomedical applications. Papers presented in this session can focus on numerical or experimental investigations related to any research of AE applications in structural testing, monitoring, evaluating, characterizing, diagnostics, etc. carried out in laboratories or in practical installations in engineering or biomedical fields. Papers related to AE sensors, sensing systems, related signal processing or any other new technique to the concerned fields are also welcome to the session.

T05 SS06Ultrasound and ultrasonic testing

This session covers the following topics: ultrasonic testing, biomedical applications, transducer design, phased arrays, imaging, guided waves, structural health monitoring, signal processing, numerical modelling and simulations, inverse methods.

Mate Gaal
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T05 SS07Lattice boltzmann and discrete simulation methods in acoustics

This structured session provides a dedicated platform for showcasing cutting-edge research in both fundamental and applied aspects of Discrete Simulation Methods in acoustics. Embracing an inclusive scope, the session particularly emphasizes advancements in simulation techniques such as the Lattice Boltzmann Methods (LBM), Lattice Gas Automata (LGA), cellular automata models, Monte Carlo, and hybrid models as applied to the simulation of acoustics and vibration problems.
Potential Topics Include, but are not limited to: Advancements in Lattice Boltzmann Methods for acoustic simulations, Lattice Boltzmann Methods for aeroacoustics, Lattice Boltzmann Methods and Lattice Gas Automata for thermoacoustic, Innovative applications of Lattice Gas Automata in acoustics, Cellular automata approaches to modelling vibration problems, Multi-physics simulations involving acoustics and discrete methods, Integration of artificial intelligence techniques with discrete simulations, High-performance computing strategies for large-scale acoustic simulations, Real-world case studies applying discrete methods to address complex acoustic challenges.

Johan Augusto Bocanegra
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T06 Industrial and Occupational Noise, Vibration and Health

T06 SS01Hearing protection

Even though it is seen as a last resort solution, hearing protection is still widely used in the industry to protect workers from harmful noise. This session covers various aspects related to the use, selection, care, and maintenance of hearing protection devices (HPD). It includes subjective and objective measurements of the performance of HPD (attenuation, occlusion effect, etc.), comfort related aspects, model development and modelling strategies, steady state and impulse noise, new and advanced technologies as well as case studies.

Rafal Mlynski
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T06 SS02Hand-arm and whole-body vibration

This session is aimed, but not limited to studies on assessment and control of human exposure to vibration, biodynamic responses to hand-arm and whole-body vibration, health effects and epidemiology of occupational exposure to vibration, motion sickness and vibration perception. It also covers various topics such as suspension seats, antivibration gloves, hand-held tools, vehicle dynamics and ergonomic intervention and regulations related to vibration exposure.

T06 SS03Noise and vibration in small, medium and large industries

Whatever their size, workshops often have noise problems. More to the point smaller entities seldom enjoy a private internal health and safety service, or environmental control for that matter, and solely rely on the labour ministry doctor – if available and willing to dabble in environmental matters. The following aspects are especially tackled in this session: i) Noise in the environment (overview of regulations, consequences on operations, monitoring the noise, noise reduction problems); ii) Noise at the workstations outdoors (assessing noise exposure, reducing noise at the source, planning the work to reduce the noise exposure, case of maintenance people); iii) Considerations with regards to the industrial building (overview of regulations, requirements for acoustic absorption, reducing the sound propagation, ensuring alarm signals can be safely heard, while making sure the neighbourhood is suitably protected); iv) Legal considerations: While one may emit recommendations and hope for the best, most of the time it is necessary to implement regulations in order to achieve a result. But is it sufficient to edit a regulation if nobody oversees applying it? Furthermore, even in the European Union where the rules are supposed to be identical in each member country, is the law applied in the same spirit everywhere? This session aims to compare experience gained in various countries and over a broad range of subjects and wonder about the potential perspectives.

Dariusz Pleban
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T06 SS04Advances in machinery noise and vibration control

This session aims at collecting research and studies on theoretical and experimental subjects related to the reduction of noise and vibration generated by machinery and machine components. Papers are welcome concerning the machine vibroacoustic design as well as current and future noise and vibration control strategies. The studies on innovative numerical and experimental techniques for the analysis of sound sources and generation mechanisms are of special interest.

Eleonora Carletti
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T06 SS05Noise and health; evidence of effects

This session focuses on the health effects of noise exposure, presenting evidence-based findings on how noise impacts both physical and mental health. Topics will cover a range of health outcomes, including cardiovascular issues, sleep disturbances, cognitive impairment, and mental well-being. Presentations will also address vulnerable populations, long-term exposure risks, and the mechanisms linking noise to adverse health effects. Research on mitigation strategies, public health policies, and community-level interventions to reduce noise-related health risks is also of particular interest.

irene Van Kamp
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Ma Hui
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T06 SS06Health impact assessment

This session is dedicated to the methodologies and applications of health impact assessment (HIA) in the context of noise exposure. The session invites papers that present novel approaches to assessing the health impacts of noise in various settings, including urban environments, workplaces, and transportation systems. Studies on the development and validation of HIA tools, integration of noise considerations into broader environmental health assessments, and the use of HIA results in policy-making and urban planning are of particular interest.

T06 SS07Community response to noise

This session is on topics such as public perception of noise, annoyance responses, and coping strategies employed by communities affected by various noise sources. Studies presented in this session will also examine the factors influencing community tolerance to noise, the effectiveness of noise complaint systems, and the role of public participation in noise management. The session will cover cultural differences in noise perception and response, as well as innovative approaches to community engagement in noise mitigation efforts

T06 SS08Occupational noise and health

This session will cover recent findings on the relationship between workplace noise and various health outcomes, including hearing loss, tinnitus, and non-auditory effects. Topics will also include noise exposure assessment in different occupational settings, the effectiveness of hearing conservation programs, and the development of new technologies for personal noise monitoring. The session also addresses the economic impacts of occupational noise-induced health effects and cost-benefit analyses of noise control interventions in the workplace.

T06 SS09Healthy acoustic planning

Presentations in this session will highlight innovative approaches to noise control and soundscape design in urban development, building design, and infrastructure projects. Topics of interest include acoustic rancesco and simulation, noise-friendly urban forms, and the creation of restorative sound environments. The session will also cover policy frameworks and best practices for promoting healthy acoustic environments in both urban and rural areas.

Trond Maag
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T07 Structural Dynamics and Nonlinear Vibration

T07 SS01Vibration energy harvesting

This structured session aims to bring together research and expertise on various subjects related to vibration energy harvesting for the purpose of powering small-sized and low-powered electronics and sensors. Contributions in this session can cover new theoretical or experimental approaches concerning various types of vibration energy harvesters such as those based on piezoelectric, electromagnetic, and electrostatic transducers, operating based on different types of input vibrations such as those originating from operational conditions (machinery) or fluid flow (wind). Additionally, contributions can be made on electromechanical aspects (transducer part), the electronics and power management aspects (voltage rectification and regulation), and the material aspects; multidisciplinary approaches combining different aspects are particularly encouraged.

Evangelos Sapountzakis
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Konstantinos Kapasakalis
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T07 SS02Recent advances in vibration absorption

The purpose of this Structured Session is to constitute a forum for the exchange of knowledge concerning the latest research developments in the field of Vibration Absorption. This Structured Session particularly focuses on the modelling and in-depth understanding of the following fundamental problems in civil, mechanical, and aerospace engineering: 
-Novel absorber concepts (inerters, negative stiffness elements); -Meta-materials; -Active Noise and Vibration absorption; -Design, manufacturing, testing of novel materials for vibration control of civil structures and infrastructure; -Seismic isolation absorption concept for foundations of structures; The controllable rocking motion of columns; -Retrofitting concept for existing structures; -Configurable pile arrays for ground‐induced vibration mitigation; -Applications of vibration absorption in aerospace, seismic protection, low-frequency noise absorbers.

Konstantinos Kapasakalis
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Evangelos Sapountzakis
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T07 SS03Data analyses for the design of metamaterials using computational vibroacoustics

Metamaterials are widely known in Physics and possess macroscopic material properties that are usually uncommon, such as negative effective density. In recent years, these metamaterials have gained substantial interest among scholars and engineers in vibroacoustics to achieve high-performance passive sound manipulation. Metamaterials achieve remarkable performance, especially for lower frequencies where the wavelength is significant, while keeping the size of the effective structures small. However, designing such metamaterials that usually consist of various periodic resonators on a mesoscale represents a major challenge. This session focuses on the design of metamaterials using data-driven approaches such as artificial intelligence and optimization or similar approximation schemes in the field of vibroacoustic. The presenters can provide their exciting and ground-breaking results to the international community. This way, a state of research regarding the design of metamaterials for vibroacoustic applications is established.

Marcus Maeder
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T07 SS04Dynamic substructuring and frequency based substructuring

Dynamic substructuring has been widely used to effectively handle large and complicated mechanical system in structural dynamics. This structured session will cover dynamic substructuring formulations with primal and dual assemblies and component mode synthesis (CMS). Recent advanced frequency based substructuring (FBS) such as blocked force TPA (BF TPA) is also a main issue in this session. Theoretical and experimental contributions to dynamic substructuring in academia and industry are both welcomed in this session.

Jin-Gyun Kim
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T07 SS05Inverse problems for source or system identification

Inverse problem, which is a data-driven approach, has received growing attention recently with machine learning. This session will focus on the inverse problem for source and system parameter identifications for structural dynamics. Recent advanced finite element model updating and system identification with state-space form will be discussed in this session. Noise filtering issues (or handling ill-posed problems) such as Kalman filtering, least square and Tikhnov regularization are also main topics. We welcome theoretical and/or practical contributions in many engineering fields: mechanical, civil, and aerospace engineering (but not limited).

Jin-Gyun Kim
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T07 SS06Prognostics and health management

This session focuses on the latest research and developments in Prognostics and Health Management, a critical field aimed at enhancing the reliability and safety of engineering systems. Contributions are invited on innovative techniques for fault detection, diagnostics, and prognostics, utilizing both data-driven and model-based approaches. Topics may include predictive maintenance strategies, sensor technologies, remaining useful life (RUL) estimation, and condition-based maintenance. Additionally, this session encourages discussions on the application of artificial intelligence to improve system health monitoring, reduce operational risks, and optimize maintenance scheduling. Emphasis is placed on practical applications in industries such as aerospace, energy, manufacturing, and robotics, with a particular focus on multidisciplinary approaches that integrate engineering, data analytics, and system management.

Heung Soo Kim
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T08 Materials for Noise and Vibration Control

T08 SS01Passive sound absorbing and insulating materials

This structured session aims to bring together research and expertise on different subjects related to acoustic flexible materials, perforated panels or sheets, metal foams, and damping materials. Contributions in this session can cover new theoretical, manufacturing (3D printing), or experimental approaches concerning various types of materials that can be subjected to different types of excitations. Specific topics related to new and current materials may include airborne sound absorption, airborne and impact sound insulation, damping, propagation of sound in porous media, effect of airflow, vibration and noise control systems, and design of sound absorbent ducts. This session welcomes new findings on materials for noise and vibration control.

Marco Caniato
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T08 SS02Vibration damping materials

This structured session aims to bring together research and expertise on different subjects related to damping materials. Contributions in this session can cover new theoretical, manufacturing (3D printing), or experimental approaches concerning various types of materials that can be subjected to different types of excitations. This session welcomes new findings on materials for vibration control.

Gan Woon Siong
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T08 SS03Acoustic metamaterial and phononic crystal: fundamentals & applications

Acoustics has enjoyed a strong revival during the past two decades, propelled mainly by the advent of phononic crystals and acoustic metamaterials that focused on man-made structures with acoustic properties not found in nature. Acoustic metamaterial is a manifestation of symmetry properties of acoustic fields Gauge theory is a more fundamental approach to metamaterials. Whereas phononic crystals denote periodic structures exhibiting frequency bandgaps in which there can be no propagating acoustic/elastic waves, acoustic metamaterials acquire their exotic characteristics as collective manifestations of local resonators. Both phononic crystals and acoustic metamaterials are composite structures. The past fifteen years have witnessed the novel capabilities arising from locally resonant sonic materials. Common applications of acoustic metamaterials and phononic crystals, are acoustic superlens, acoustic/aeroacoustic cloaking, ultra-thin sound absorber or barriers. Recent discovery of metamaterial as artificial phase transition has manifested in quantum metamaterial producing artificial superconductivity and metamaterial as route to high temperature superconductivity. Permittivity, permeability, effective bulk modulus, and effective mass density are transport properties. Metamaterials with singularity behaviour of transport properties at point of local resonance is like that of singularity at critical point of phase transition. Based on transport properties, one can go beyond acoustic and electromagnetic metamaterials to other forms of metamaterials Also with metamaterials as artificial phase transition, one can control the degree of phase transition. This structured session will cover the following topics: -A gauge transformation theory of metamaterials; -classical metamaterials; -quantum metamaterials phononic crystals; -nonlinear phononic crystals; -band-gap metamaterial; -negative refraction; -double negative metamaterial; -acoustic cloaking; -underwater acoustic cloaking; - aeroacoustic cloaking; -acoustic diodes; -acoustic waveguides and resonators based on metamaterial; -application of phononic device to communication; -sound insulation panel using metamaterial; -vibration reduction using metamaterial; -superlens; -ultra-thin sound absorber or barriers; -topological insulator; -acoustic metamaterial as artificial phase transition.

Gan Woon Siong
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Wonju Jeon
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T08 SS04Characterization of acoustical materials in reverberation rooms and impedance tubes

The purpose of this structured session is to report on the latest research and development works carried out in the field of sound absorption measurements and analysis conducted in reverberation rooms. Papers presented in this session can focus on experiments carried out in research laboratories. The papers can, for example, deal with the uncertainty analysis of sound absorption measurements in reverberation rooms and/or the uncertainty compared with those made in impedance tube for the same material(s). Modelling of sound field and measurements of the absorption coefficient even at low frequencies (few hundred Hertz and below) are other examples. Papers may also discuss new standards and/or drafts regarding reverberation room measurement techniques and original contributions about quantities that may be extracted from measured data.

Marco Caniato
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T08 SS05Sustainable acoustic materials

To be Updated

T09 Psychological, Physiological, Biological and Musical Acoustics

T09 SS01Subjective evaluation of noise and vibration in built environment

Noise and vibration in the built environment can significantly affect human comfort and well-being. This session focuses on the subjective evaluation of these environmental factors, addressing how individuals perceive and respond to noise and vibration in residential, commercial, and public spaces. Papers related to perception studies, annoyance responses, evaluation methods, and the impact of different noise and vibration sources are invited. Research on the influence of context, culture, and individual differences in subjective evaluations of noise and vibration is also welcome.

Sang Hee Park
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T09 SS02Vibroacoustics of musical instruments

The tones produced by musical instruments are very beautiful and very diverse. There are various types of instruments such as strings, winds, and percussion. All of them start from the player's input (string plucking/bowing, blowing, impact, etc.) and output their own unique tones through complex phenomena including the coupled vibration and the non-linearity, etc. Various attempts have been made to elucidate the sound mechanism of these instruments through experiments and numerical calculations. In this session, we will welcome research results on all musical instruments evaluating vibration and acoustic phenomena from various aspects.

T09 SS03 Physical modelling of musical instruments and singing voice

Musical instrument is a device to make musical sound, such as percussion, wind, stringed, electronic, and various kinds of instruments. Singing voice may be one of most sophisticated musical instrument devices. Physical modelling aims to model and synthesize with mathematical approach to physically interpret musical sound or vocal voice. Papers related to measurement, analysis, synthesis, and modelling of musical sound, singing voice or any other technique to the field are welcome to the session.

Bor-Tsuen Wang
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T09 SS04 Musical instruments design and making

Since ancient times, many masterpieces of musical instruments which have excellent tones have been produced by artisans' experience and intuition. In recent years, on the other hand, scientific approaches have been used to propose shapes for musical instruments that produce rich tones. In addition to shape, there has also been a great deal of research seeking new materials for musical instruments, including materials other than wood and chemical treatments on wood. In this session, we will welcome research results from various fields such as design and production methods in the process of creating musical instruments.

T09 SS05 Psychoacoustics in music

Psychoacoustics, known as the psychology of sound, involves the scientific study of sound perception. Perception of sound or music is a process in daily life situation and environment. A simple sound can be a function of frequency, amplitude, and phase, while music has its distinct element of pitch, intensity, timber, and rhythm. Papers related to, but not limited, music psychology, perception of sound, audiology, sound localization, signal separation, auditory scene analysis and sound masking are welcome to the session.

Bor-Tsuen Wang
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T10 Signal Processing and Nonlinear Methods

T10 SS01Compressive sensing and sparse signal reconstruction

Compressive sensing proposes that sparse signals sampled at a rate lower than the Nyquist frequency can be successfully reconstructed. This structured session covers current research and methods that take advantage of sparsity to improve signal reconstruction by using compressive sensing and sparse regularization. This includes applications to acoustical holography, beamforming, localization algorithms, and microphone array design.

T10 SS02Machinery health monitoring

The purpose of this structured session is to report on the latest developments of research works in the field of Machinery health monitoring (MHM). It is the related field of structural health monitoring system (SHM), NDT as well, concerning to the damage evaluation or monitoring performance analysis of industrial equipment, machinery, or any related structures. Papers focusing on numerical or experimental investigations related to machinery or structural damage evaluation or characterization or similar themes are most welcome to this session.

T10 SS03Sound and vibration of bearings and power transmissions

Bearings and power transmissions are critical components in most industrial machines from airplanes to automotive, to wind turbines, and to machine tools. The sound and vibration are not only important performance parameters for those machines, but also can be used as indicators for machine condition monitoring. This session aims to provide a platform for researchers and engineers in the field from both academia and industries to exchange ideas, discuss solutions to the challenges faced in the field, and foster collaborations between academia and industries.

Victor Li
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T11 Acoustics and Vibration of Buildings

T11 SS01 Room acoustics

This session covers recent projects and research related to room acoustics. The topics include design, modelling, virtual reality simulation and measurement of acoustically sensitive spaces.

Constant Hak
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Remy Wenmaekers
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T11 SS02Combined Acoustical and Thermal Insulation of Buildings

To be updated

Davide Borelli
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T11 SS03Ground borne Vibration in Buildings

To be updated

James Talbot
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T11 SS04Transmission of airborne and structure borne sound in buildings

To be updated

Carl Hopkins
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T12 Marine Acoustics

T12 SS01Ship underwater radiated noise

There is ongoing interest in ship underwater radiated noise in the context of the design, manufacture, operation, and maintenance of ships. This session provides an opportunity for presentation of research and analysis of modelling and measurement techniques as they apply to ships in all stages of design, construction, and operation. The session places emphasis on vibration of onboard machinery, such as gearboxes and engines, and modelling of the subsequent vibration in the structure and sound radiation into the water.

Claudio Testa
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T12 SS02Propulsion system vibration and noise

Propulsion systems deeply affect the comfort level inside the ship and undoubtedly are a major source of underwater radiated noise. This is proven by the extensive research activity ongoing on this topic. 
This session invites papers on modelling, measurement and design issues related to vibration and noise generated by ship propulsors in operating conditions; in this framework, rotating blade systems are of particular interest. 
To this aim, investigations on propeller shaft/blades vibrations, studies on vibration induced noise and analysis on underwater sound radiation from non-cavitating/cavitating blades are encouraged.

Claudio Testa
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T12 SS03Ship and harbour noise and vibration

Noise and vibrations generated by ships affect a wide range of receivers: crew and passengers inside the vessel, inhabitants of the coastal areas and marine fauna outside it. Recent studies suggest that a large percentage of people living in urban areas close to harbors and several marine species, at different evolutionary levels (mammals and cephalopods), suffer from ship N&V emissions in the air and in water. The present degree of knowledge of the phenomena involved in the noise emissions inside and outside ships is quite different, as a result also of the time elapsed since the negative effects were realized and therefore studied. The development of the normative framework in the various areas reflect these differences, but there are expectations for improvements on all fronts and need to be supported by the scientific community, that will find in this structured session a suitable occasion for presenting the latest research results in this field of acoustics.

Davide Borelli
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T12 SS04EU Projects on noise reduction in harbors

Noise from the activities of the port affects the daily life of thousands of people living in the Mediterranean area and in the area covered by the EU funding program INTERREG Maritime Italy-France. 
Till now, having no common approach, port noise has been tackled with different approaches obtaining poor results in terms of public health and efficient planning. Projects funded as REPORT, MON ACUMEN, and RUMBLE tackles the noise monitoring and planning of commercial ports in the cooperation area developing: -a common methodology for noise monitoring and acoustic description; -a comprehensive analysis of all acquired data; -best practices for efficient action planning according to Directive 2002/49/EC. The session will host papers describing the results of these projects and others on harbour noise and its mitigation.

Gaetano Licitra
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T12 SS05 Low frequency underwater acoustics (under 200 Hz)

The low frequency underwater acoustic landscape is rich with many different sounds including the general ambient background noise. In addition, there is sound from natural events, such an underwater volcanic eruptions and storm events. Many marine mammals also vocalize in the frequency range of interest here, i.e., below 200 Hz. Due to the low absorption at very low frequencies sounds can often be heard and recorded from hundreds of kilometres from their source. There are often complex propagation mechanisms as low frequency sound also travels through the sediment. In the polar regions several researchers have been investigating changes in the underwater acoustics due to climate change, including transient events from ice break-away. There are also a few man-made noises such as pile driving, surveying and, increasingly, sound coupling into the ocean and seabed from offshore wind farms. This session will welcome papers on any of the above topics, including processing and classification of LF underwater acoustics. It is worth noting that there is a separate session on Ship Underwater Radiated Noise and so you may wish to submit material there if your research is on that topic.

T13 Vehicle, Road and Railway Noise and Vibration

T13 SS01Traditional and electrical vehicle noise, vibration and harshness (NVH)

This session includes basic and applied research on the topic of noise and vibration from road vehicles. We invite papers on the mechanism, propagation and control of noise and vibration from road transport and vehicles, including road noise, noise and vibration from traditional vehicles, electric and hybrid vehicles.

Sifa Zheng
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T13 SS02Active noise control and sound design for vehicles

Sound effect is an important part of human machine interaction, it is more and more widely studied and applied in vehicles, especially for electric and autonomous vehicles. The session focuses on basic and applied research of sound effect analysis and control method inside road vehicles. It includes the influence mechanism of sound on vehicle driver and passengers, the theory, simulation and experiment analysis method for sound effect, and design and control method of sound effect.

Sifa Zheng
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T13 SS03Reduction of vibration and noise of roads

Railway train-induced vibration and noise are ubiquitous and harmful, affecting the resident comfort and service life of sensitive buildings. According to the different levels' reduction requirement of vibration and noise, measures are necessary to apply in the rail transport. Therefore, the investigations of dynamic theories, designs, experiments, and numerical simulation of vibration and noise control have developed significantly in the last decade. This session aims to focus on advances in the field of vibration and noise reduction of Rail Transport. The suggested topics include but are not limited to the following: 1) Dynamic analysis in vibration and noise (analytical, numerical, and experimental) of railway infrastructure; 2) New vibration & noise countermeasures, structures and materials for rail transportation; 3) Vibration Energy Harvesting and Applications; 4) Prediction and simulation method for train-induced vibration and noise; 5) Train-induced vibration monitoring and detection; 6) Train-induced vibration and noise evaluation. All papers giving insight on vibration and acoustic simulation, test and control in railway are welcome.

Rui Zhou
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T13 SS04Traffic noise control and mitigation

This session focuses on the traffic noise related to road, railways, rail transit, and urban traffic. It emphasizes using advanced technical methods to accurately analyse and monitor the sources of noise, development of noise control techniques to effectively reduce the impact of traffic noise and cross-source noise, thereby to establish a good living environment. The main topics include but are not limited to 1. Traffic Noise Testing and Evaluation, 2. Traffic Noise Model and Prediction, 3. Comprehensive Traffic Noise Control and Mitigation Techniques, 4. Innovations in Noise Reducing Pavements, Sound Barriers, Vibration Damping and Noise Reduction Methods, 5. Noise Maps and Monitoring Platforms.

Mingliang Li
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T14 AI Applications for Sound and Vibration and Condition Monitoring

T14 SS01Machine, vehicles fault diagnosis and condition monitoring

From industrial machinery to automotive systems, AI enhances the ability to analyze complex sound and vibration data, enabling real-time monitoring and early fault detection. The session will focus on how AI-powered algorithms are being leveraged for fault detection, condition monitoring, and predictive maintenance. The suggested topics include: 1) self-supervised or unsupervised learning strategies for anomalous sound and vibration detection, 2) cutting-edge fault classification techniques, 3) novel DNN architectures for efficient fault detection and classification, and 4) case studies that highlight practical implementations, showcasing how AI is shaping the future of diagnostics and condition monitoring in various sectors.

Jung-Woo Choi
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T14 SS02Infrastructure condition monitoring and PHM

The Prognostics and Health Management (PHM) of infrastructures such as building, bridge, wind turbine, power plants, electric facilities and manufacture factories are of-great importance to manage the infrastructure in a healthy manner. Recently these PHM technologies are empowered by AI-based methods in conjunction with on-site sensor data from structures. This session focuses on AI-algorithm, sensing technology for data acquisition, pre- and post-processing of sensor data in time or frequency domain, health-index, and others but not limited in applications of AI for condition monitoring of infrastructures.

Yong-Hwa Park
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T14 SS03Digital twin, sound and vibration computation for data generation

The numerical model of dynamical systems and its vibration analysis are essence of structural dynamics in many of vibration engineering problems for decades. Recently this numerical model can prototype actual systems so-called digital twin with high-fidelity and efficiency comparable to the actual vibration systems. The high-fidelity simulation data is of great importance in design and analysis of the system, also the data generated from this digital twin can provide real-like data which can be feed to the AI-model as data augmentation will increase accuracy of classification network. Special attention will be given to the generation of faulty data normally insufficiently acquired in experiments. With this context, this session focuses on the numerical model of vibration structures with high-fidelity and high computational efficiency for design and analysis of the structures. Also, further applications to data augmentation with simulation for developing the neural network with high accuracy.

Yong-Hwa Park
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T14 SS04Sound event detection

This session focuses on the growing field of sound event detection (SED), a critical area for analyzing and interpreting acoustic environments. SED involves identifying and classifying specific sounds within an audio stream, such as footsteps, alarms, or machinery noise, which has a broad range of applications across industries like smart cities, healthcare, security, and environmental monitoring. With advancements in machine learning, SED systems are becoming more accurate, efficient, and adaptable to diverse environments. This session will cover the latest innovations in algorithm development, data annotation techniques, and real-world case studies, offering participants insights into how SED is transforming industries by enabling intelligent audio analysis and monitoring solutions.

Jung-Woo Choi
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T14 SS05Source localization and separation with learning-based methods

The ability to accurately identify and isolate sound sources in complex environments is crucial for a wide range of applications, from audio engineering and telecommunications to environmental monitoring and medical diagnostics. With the emergence of machine learning and deep learning techniques, traditional challenges in source localization and separation are being addressed more effectively. This session will focus on cutting-edge algorithms and models that improve accuracy and efficiency, discussing both theoretical developments and practical applications. By exploring the role of learning-based methods in addressing noise, reverberation, and overlapping signals, this session will showcase innovative approaches driving new possibilities in the field.

Jung-Woo Choi
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T14 SS06Physics-informed AI for sound and vibration problems

As data-driven approach using deep neural network becomes a key word in engineering, we are forced to interpret the behaviour of the network aligned with physical law described by differential equation and/or function mapping. Recently this thrust suggest Physics-informed AI, visualization of features, function-to-function mapping for users to understand AI, also actively utilize the domain knowledge to the AI network. This session focuses on the state-of-the-art Physics-informed AI which can cover interpretation of AI network, visualization of features, adaptation of physical law to the network, and surrogate model of dynamical system, defined in the wide range of sound and vibration problems.

Yong-Hwa Park
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T14 SS07Human sound and vibration with AI, and health care applications

AI is playing a transformative role in the analysis of human-related sound and vibration, especially in industrial and automotive environments where human-machine interaction is critical; also for human health monitoring applications. This session will focus on how AI technologies are being applied to monitor the human health conditions and cure or prevent disease by means of human sound and vibration; also AI technologies to assess and mitigate human exposure to vibration in fields such as manufacturing and transportation, where prolonged exposure to mechanical vibrations can lead to health issues like musculoskeletal disorders. Recent applications using Topics will include AI-based solutions for monitoring human health condition, human vibration exposure, predictive algorithms for improving worker safety, and case studies demonstrating the integration of AI in reducing health risks in industrial and automotive settings. By exploring these applications, the session aims to highlight how AI is advancing both well-being and operational efficiency in sectors where sound and vibration are key factors. Also special topics including theory, AI-algorithm, devices and systems for human health monitoring are welcome as emerging technologies by means of human sound and vibration.

Yoon Taeyoung
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